Supporters & Patrons
We are very grateful to the donors who supported Truth in Translation and who currently support Global Arts Corps. These generous efforts play a crucial role in supporting our ability to use the power of theatre as an agent of change in societies & communities moving from conflict towards peace.

The Embrey Family Foundation
The Charles Engelhard Foundation
The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
The DeVito/Perlman Family Foundation
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Robert Bosch Stiftung
Open Society Foundations
Spirit Dance Foundation
Jon and Susan Rotenstreich Foundation
Stephen and Myrna Greenberg
Philanthropic Fund
The Felix & Elizabeth Rohatyn Foundation
Prince Claus Fund
Jewish Communal Fund
New York Community Trust
The Gerald Greenwald Foundation
Alan J. Hirschfield Family Foundation
Norman Hirschfield Foundation
Mackenzie Family Fund
CCFD-Terre Solidaire
KB Visions Foundation
French-American Charitable Trust (FACT)
The Fetzer Institute
The StoneRiver Foundation
The Counselling Foundation of Canada
The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation
The American Ireland Fund
Consulate General of Ireland – Boston
Pier One Theater (Alaska)
Concordia University (Canada)
Smail and Jarrell Fund
Truth in Translation Supporters*
Founding supporters for Truth in Translation:
Sophie Craighead
Arthur Lessac
The Charles Engelhard Foundation
The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
The Embrey Family Foundation
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Oak Foundation
King Baudouin Foundation
Humanity United
Balkan Trust for Democracy/ German Marshall Fund
Kosovo Ministry of Culture
European Union (Conference, Workshop, and Cultural Initiative Fund)
National Arts Council of South Africa
The Standard Bank of South Africa
The Department of Arts & Culture, South Africa
The DeVito/Perlman Family Foundation
The Mai Family Foundation
The Stephen and Myrna Greenberg Philanthropic Fund
The Norman Hirschfield Foundation
The Swarthmore College Class of 1961
The Zients Family Foundation
The H.L. Epstein Family Foundation, Inc.
The Jon and Susan Rotenstreich Foundation
Dancers’ Workshop, Jackson WY
*For a full list of individual donors, please click here
Günther Bachmann
Nikola Balac
Jean Barash
Nesbitt Blaisdell
Joan Blatt
Dr. Alex Boraine
Nick Boraine
Andrew Boyd
Amanda and Bomber Bryan
Donna Capps
Aya Cash
Sonny Chheng
Edward Edwards
Lauren Embrey
Juliette Feeney-Timsit
Jean and Richard Ferguson
Faye Fisher and Jerry Zaks
Michael and Vivian Forte
Katherine Grindeland
Gloria Grossi
Pam and Duncan Goldie-Morrison
David Guc
Bruce Hawtin
Sandy Hessler
Micki Hobson
James E. Hudson III
Mercedes Huff
Jenelle Johnson
Karen Karnicki
Renee Kaswan
John Kelly
Deborah Kinghorn
Robert Koen
Anthony Lake
Jeremy Lane
Elinor Langer
Arlene Lear
Al Lemerande
Florence Lemle
Arthur Lessac
Fredi Lessac
Kathryn Linehan
Andrew Lippa
Bryan Logan
Anni and Pete Magnuson
Jen and Lars Magnusson
Vincent and Anne Mai
Arla Sorkin Manson
Corey McLaughlin
Martin McSharry
Lou Michaels
Susan Mindell
Jonathan Moore
Margaret Nightingale
Cathy O’Neill
Carol and Stuart Oken
Barbara Okishoff
Denis Pelli
Alexcia Plummer
Benjamin Read and Anne Fletcher-Read
Charles Ramsburg
Judith Safford
Victoria Sharp
Veronica and Gary Silberberg
Elizabeth Silkes
Vernon F. Taylor III
Carol Tolan
Peggy Tropp
Bruce and Sandra Tully
Kathleen Turner
Mary Kay and John Turner
Peter Van Norden
Beatrice Van Roijen
David Vega-Barachowitz
Sofia and Forest Wakefield
Jade Walsh
Nicole White
Michele Willens
Mary J. Woollen
Michele Zackheim